Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Yazidis - 1

This series of blog is outcome of my visits to Yazidi communities in three countries, Armenia, Georgia and  Iraq. The idea of writing something about Yazidi people came up while I was performing my European Voluntering Service (EVS) in Armenian capital Yerevan. As a Kurd, I was familiar with Yazidis, heard their stories from elderlies of my family. All I knew was they are Kurdish speaker community, have their own religion.

When I went deeper with Yazidis I found that their idendity is not as simple as this. First shock I faced was hearing from some Yazidis that ‘’we are not Kurds’’. I was aware that they are angry to other Kurds through history but could never expect to hear ‘’Yazidis are not Kurds’’. Since countries occupied Kurdish land are muslims and muslim Kurds are best folks of these countries, non-Muslim Kurds known as most patriotic Kurds and led tens of Kurdish uprisings. Apperently things went in a different way about Yazidis after 2014.

Just to clarify about the name issue, it is originally Êzidî in Kurdish alphabet created in 1932 which is being used by both Yazidis and entire Kurds.  Unlike what international media outlets types (Yazidi) we don't have Y sound in original pronunciation. But to make things easy, I will keep typing as Yazidis in the paper.

Are Yazidis Kurds?

“Yes, we are Kurdish” said the first Yazidi man told me in Lalish[1]. The old lady sits next to him added “Our Muslim Kurdish neighbours come over  to our weddings, funerals, so do we.” She complained about KRG government. Almost all Yazidis I talked were upset that they are not being hired and facing discrimination because of their religion.  

According to some Yazidis I talked, the 50% of Yazidis describe themselves as Kurd. They also claimed  that “those Yazidis say we are Kurd because they are feared.” But I was never given an explanation what they are fearing of. “Any Yazidi call himself as Kurd is ignoramus” a Yazidi leader in Georgia has told me. He was very libelous towards to Yazidis who perceive themselves as Kurds. Another Yazidi leader in Armenia has also insulted to his cognates who believe they are Kurdish.
Actually the Yazidis I discussed in three countries have accepted that the assertion of “Yazidis are not Kurd” is something new. “All Kurds were Yazidi in past. They (Kurds) are Yazidis who converted to Islam” they argue. Interestingly the image of Kurd is equal to Islam. It is really hard to convince them about  existence of Jewish, Christian and even atheist Kurds. This is apprehensible when you know Yazidi massacred for their faith rather than ethnicity. [2]

As some Yazidis confirmed, they have a symphaty for PKK while they are not very positive towards  Barzani’s KDP. Basically Yazidis hold responsible KDP and Barzani for run away in Augost 2014 when ISIS started attacks to Yazidis. PKK is saver of many Yazidi girls who kidnaped to make as sex slaves  by ISIS. I was surprised when I didn’t see anything to mark PKK’s fight agains ISIS in Yazidi temples in Armenia, Georgia and Iraq. Apperently even they love PKK, they don’t want to  get involved fight between PKK and countries fight againt PKK, Turkey and Iran.

Yazidis mostly acknowledge that their language is Kurmanci which largest dialect of Kurdish – they avoid to refer it is Kurdish though. A Yazidi in Armenia told me “We are Kurmanc but not Kurd” which is like a Chinese says “I am Mandarin but not Chinese”.  Though some Yazidis in Armenia refuse that they speak Kurmanji but assert that they speak “Ezidki”. When I ask the different between Kurdish and “Ezidki” I didn’t receive a proper answer. Any Kurdish speaker would find this assert very ridiculous.

A well educated Yazidi leader in Georgia who is author of several books and speaks more than two languages told me that even they don’t perceive themselves as Kurdish, they acknowledge that their language is Kurmanci. However, he thinks “speaking Kurmanci doesn’t mean they are Kurdish”. Even I am not agree to this assert, I can say it makes much more than sense than to say “it is not Kurmanci”. As a Kurdish speaker I can confirm that the language the Yazidis speak is nothing but Kurmanci(Kurdish) I did understand all words except some Russians words – as result of living in a post-Soviet country.

It appears that some Yazidi leaders have taken decision of launch into a ‘’Nation Building’’ process. No doubt that ferman[3] in 2014 has significant role to take this decission. In post- ferman, many Yazidis lost their devotion to other Kurds. This must be inspirational for the Nation Builder Yazidis to prompt to separate themselves from other Kurds. Since they are very tiny community,even they have spreaded out in many countries, they easily can be mobilized for this kind of ideas.

A Yazidi told me that the idea of ‘’Yazidis are not Kurds’’ firstly banded about in Saddam era. Probably a divide and rule policy attempt by Saddam towards Kurds. It strikes me that even Yazidis accept that the ideas of ‘’yazidi nation and ezidki language’’ is something new. After a simple youtube search you can find videos of Yazidis who defend cause of Kurdistan. [4] When I ask about those documantaries ‘’we have no idea about it’’ they replied. The word Kurd is more a religion than an ethnicity.

It would be fair to say Yazidis have bemusements about idea of Yazidi Nation.

[1] Spiritual city of Yazidis, in Kurdistan regional goverment.
[2] Kurdish Yazidis in Yerevan – 2006 -
[3] Massacre, genocide in Kurdish language. Yazidis and entire Kurds use this word to name massacres they faced in history. Illustrious Kurdish singer Şivan Perwer  calls Halabja massacre as ferman in his song (
 Yazidis acknowledge ISIS attacks in Augost 2014 as 73rd ferman in the history. This atatck will be referred as Ferman or 73rd Ferman in the text after now on.
[4] Kurdên Êzidî li Gûrcistanê-1995 – (KR)