Saturday, April 27, 2019

Interview with Mr.Haj Jesim on New Generation party, Iraqi and KRG Politics

This interview conducted shortly after KRG Elections in 2018 with Mr. Hiner Hac Jesim who is member of leader in New Generation Party, shortly after KRG Elections in 2018

MW:  Could you please brief us about New Generation party and its policies (NG)?

     H.Jesim - The current ruling party, KDP, divides the people but NG aims to reunite them. As NG we have a fifteen-year development plan which contains a national Kurdish army, constitutional amendment and resolve the conflict between KRG and Baghdad. We don’t want KRG economy to be dependent to only the oil-based trade. To reinvigorate the economy of KRG, we pledge to take steps to develop the agriculture, tourism and the industry. These I mentioned are included in our fifteen-year plan.
We are secular party which is against to nationalism. I personally think that Ezidis are Kurds. Just like other Kurds they are divided as well. And this is view of our party.

MW: Your party was only one which baldly announced to vote for NO in KRG independency referandum. This decission led NG to be lashed out by KDP and some other Kurdish parties. Why did you decide to vote for NO ?

     H.Jesim:  We are not against to independency but we are against to referenadum. Even if we want being independent, we wouldnt do it in same way as Barzani. First we need to ensure the economic developments. Then we need to convince our neighbour countries,  then the international powers.

MW: Iraqi governement  has taken control of Shingal and Kirkuk recently. What is the policy will be pursue by your party?

     H.Jesim: Shingal and Kirkuk are Kurdistan. Control of these both  cities should be retaken by KRG. We will negotiate with US and UN regarding this issue. And Hashd Al Shabi is a reality of Iraq. We dont have an exculusive relationship with Hashd or Iran. We are pursiying a policy based on values.

MW: What is your policy towards Rojava? Do you consider to invite YPG to the regular Kurdish army which you mentioned? 

     H.Jesim:  We intend to have good relations with government of Rojava. But YPG is not part of our plan creating regular Kurdish army.

MW:What is your point of view of presence of Turkish army (TSK) in KRG?

     H.Jesim: Presence of TSK in KRG is illegal. We need good relations with Baghdad government to end occupation in territories where TSK presence exist. To build good relationship with Baghdad, a constitutional regulation is a must.

MW:NG has announced to boycott the parliament after election fraud claims. How it will be possible for you to speak on governing the KRG?

     H.Jesim: The parliament matters ofcourse. But to lead a social change we dont need to take seats in parliemant. We can organise people by social campigns, social media… And let me make it clear that, NG didnt formally take decission to boycott parliamnet yet. We will go to parliament if our voters ask us to do so.

MW:What is your point of view on Kurdish National Congress (KNC)’s efforts forming a High Kurdish National Executive body?

     H.Jesim: We find it very “nationalist”. Our point of view is to pursue a policy to reunite all ethnic and religious groups in Iraq and KRG. A. Ocalan is a popular Kurdish leader and his ideas are meriterious. But some followers of him in KRG don’t understand his ideas I think.

MW: In previous Iraqi elections your party has and PKK created a coalition but for this KRG election you didnt repeat this coalition. Why ?

     H.Jesim: One of four NG MP in Iraqi parliament is from PKK.  To not create same coalition with PKK is a decission taken by NG. For Iraqi elections we find this coalition advantageous but for KRG election we didn’t need this coalition.

MW: Do you predict a coolition between NG and GORRAN?

     H.Jesim: GORRAN coulnd’t carried out the pledges it has gave to people. They created high expectation among people but couldn’t fullfill these expectations.  In 2015,I am told by Newchirman Mistefe that “GORRAN Project is over. “ They couldn’t renew themselves.

MW:You mentioned about a regular national Kurdish army. Why military service is not obligatary in KRG?

     H.Jesim: Hundreds of people are salaried to be peshmerga even though they are not peshmerga. It is big corruction, of course they wouldn’t make military service as obligatory.