Thursday, August 10, 2017

Explaining the Syrian Civil War in Context of Actual Major Factors

Understanding Jihadist Approach to Syria  
In his book “Knights Under Prophet’s Banner”, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawaheery suggests new doctrine that contains regular army instead of unites in western countries and national state-like formations in Muslim countries. In the same book, he also mentions “Islam Nation” and complaining of likening of Islamic slogans to leftist’s slogans and gives Palestine a n example. He says “the jihad in Afghanistan is a pure jihad”. The approach he writes in his book has been adopted by ISIS the former ally, current foe. As making propaganda against “western values” ISIS also using 19th century style tools to launch nation building campaign which have been used in west. As it can be observed uniforms, flag, IDs, are very popular in ISIS propaganda. And this shows that ISIS following Zawahery’s doctrine and establishing a state-like form. The symbols which mentioned are for building a nation/ummah for their “state”. Actually, the best example could be that they changed their name to “Islamic State”.
  While ISIS was rapidly establishing its state, Zawaheery led Al Qaeeda (AQ) was slow to apply their leader’s doctrine. As well as military dynamics on field, domestics discussions also affected AQ to be late for establishing “Islamic State” before the ISIS. Because, some groups in AQ were thinking that “the time for Islamic State didn’t come” and as first step they should form “Amirates” and these groups were supporting their view by some HADITH. A discussion alike can be seen in Iran. According to some Shia intellectuals, “time for Islamic State didn’t come yet”.
  The importance of Syrian civil war for the jihadism is not only physical but also spiritual. According to some HADITH, a “great war” in Syria (Bilad Al-Sham) has estimated 1500 years ago and place in heaven (cannah) has pledged to MOUJAHEDEEN who fight in this war. This also explains foreign fighter wave to Syria. 

 Raqqa Operation
In the Kobane and Tel Abyad battles, ISIS lost its image of “invincible”. And its collapse is going on in Raqqa. The military collapsing of ISIS in Syria and Iraq as well, pushed ISIS to turn on old style asymmetric attacks in western countries. Differently from post 9/11 era, ISIS used vehicles and “lone wolf” attack styles.
 Operation of Raqqa doesn’t only effect on Raqqa but also effects Deir Ez-Zor in east and Afrin in west. As Turkish Army mobilized around Tal Abyad recently, YPG reinforced its troops at north and suspended Raqqa op. The operation re-started after US special forces troops started patrolling on border and provided new weapons included armored vehicles and troops carries.
 Actually, it is known that YPG is not so willing for Raqqa op. since very beginning but YPG also aware that Raqqa op. is only opportunity to gain political and military support of US. Another factor for launching Raqqa op. could be that Raqqa where is at south of YPG territories has strategic importance to secure north, also known as “Rojava”. 
  Other factors very related with Raqqa operation are Afrin and Deir Ez-Zor. There is a hidden competition between US backed SDF and Syrian regime. Since regime forces in DeirezZor city are encircled by ISIS and its potential strategic importance, regime gives priority to capture Deir Ez-Zor as soon as possible. As of today, regime forces are just 60 km away from the city. Since SDF are focused on Raqqa op. it seems regime has advantage to capture Deir Ez-Zor but it is notable that YPG still hold AL Kubar military base at north side of Euphrates river where is less than 60 km away from the Deir Ez-Zor city center.
 Another factor may affect on Raqqa op. is YPG hold Afrin. Recently Turkey intended to intervene to this proclaimed canton as they did in Shield of Euphrates op. but both Russia and US stated their concerns about it. Also, YPG, in their statements, shadowed out that they may stop Raqqa op. if Turkey attacks Afrin. Then statements from US that “any intervene that may endanger Raqqa op. is unacceptable” followed this.
Even though Afrin canton doesn’t have connection with other cantons (Kobane and Jezeera) it is known that regime allowed YPG to reinforce from Kobane to Afrin via its land. Since regime doesn’t want Turkish presence in Afrin due the concern over Idleb, it also not very willing YPG to empower its military presence in Afrin. We could say that regime (and its ally Iran) performing for a balance policy between Turkey and Kurdish forces. However, since YPG needs regime and Russian support for Afrin, it could be argued that YPG will not very willing to capture Deir Ez-Zor. In other saying, YPG may keep Deir Ez-Zor as a leverage against regime to secure its gains in west, Afrin.

 Syrian civil war became very complicated since beginning. In this analyze we only gave coverage for actually events. Anyone who observes Syrian Civil War from very beginning would know that there are too many fighting groups on field and each inch of country has own parameters and dynamics.
 The war is in a stage that any event in north may affect to south, and event in east may west and whole world, like as a butterfly effect.  As a general view, we could say that ISIS and its de-facto state being collapsed and as military it will be defeated but the ideology of ISIS is far to be destroyed. So that means the world, unlike the 9/11 not only west, may face asymmetric terror attacks or events like Philippines.
 Syrian regime and Kurdish forces seem to be short term winner of Civil War but as some of analysts state a conflict between two forces. By “conflict” we don’t only mean an armed conflict but a competition between regime and Rojava Federation. However, we didn’t give coverage Turkey’s Syrian policy and intervenes in this analyze just because we think it needs explanation of Turkey’s domestics politics, coup attempt etc. We think this should be a subject of analyze by itself. Like as Turkey, Hezbullah, Iran even China and Israel are actors in civil war. As we mentioned, this topic may be subject of articles and studies by themselves.